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Maple Bacon Mac 'n Cheese Cups

Maple Bacon Mac 'n Cheese Cups


1 Package of Bacon

Maple Sugar

Black Pepper

Mac 'n Cheese

Pulled Pork

Spicy Maple Syrup


Preheat oven to 390F.

Each bacon cup will take 3 slices of bacon total. Sprinkle bacon with Maple Sugar and black pepper. Cut two slices of bacon in half. On the back of a muffin tin lay two cut slices of bacon and then the other two cut slices in the opposite direction. Wind the full slice of bacon around the cut slices and secure with a toothpick. 

Bake 20-25 minutes or until crispy. 

Then fill bacon cups with your mac 'n cheese and pulled pork. Then drizzle with Spicy Maple Syrup. Then devour!